A downloadable game

VoltaFlying is a Quidditch training video game in which you can play 4 different modes, Hunter, Guardian, striker and seeker, you can put yourself to the test in each mode


VoltaFlying es un videojuego de entrenamiento de Quidditch en el que podras jugar a 4 modos diferentes, Cazador,  Guardian, golpeador y buscador, podras ponerte a prueba en cada modo

Rated 1.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
GenreSimulation, Action, Sports
Tags3D, entrenamiento, harry-potter, offline, Singleplayer, training


VoltaFlying 168 MB

Install instructions

Thank you for downloading Voltaflying, what you are downloading is a winrar tablet that you will extract it and inside your folder you will see some icons and 2 folders and one of those icons has the letters VF and a name VoltaFlying.exe, that is the executable of the videogame

Enjoy it!


Gracias por descargar Voltaflying, lo que esta descargando usted es un comprimido winrar que a de extraerlo y dentro de su carpeta vera unos iconos y 2 carpetas y uno de esos iconos tiene las letras VF y un nombre VoltaFlying.exe, ese es el ejecutable del videojuego

Que lo disfrute!